Work for You
Domestic Violence

What Will Happen to Me if Convicted of Domestic Violence?
Misdemeanors (typically no injury or minor injuries with no prior record):
- Jail Time (up to 6 months in County Jail)
- Counseling (1 year / 52-week program)
- Community Service (40 hours) or Physical Labor (Work alternative)
- Ordered to stay away from the victim, move out of residence (if applicable)
- Various Fines
- Ordered not to strike or harm partner (couples)
Felonies (severe cuts, broken bones or a history of violence):
- Jail Time (ranges from 3 months in county jail to 3 years in Prison)
- Counseling (52-week program)
- 40 hours of Community Service or Physical Labor (Work alternative)
- Various Fines
- Ordered to stay away from the victim, move out of residence (if applicable)
- Ordered not to strike or harm partner (couples)
What Should I Do Now That I Am Being Charged?
The law regarding domestic violence is complex and highly specialized. It is important to contact an experienced domestic violence defense lawyer immediately. The Law Office of Peter A Duarte has ample experience with defending clients against domestic violence charges. I can help you avoid the charges completely, reduce the consequences to counseling and/or probation and generally ensure that you will receive the minimum consequence necessary.
What if the Victim Wants to Drop Charges?
Criminal charges are a crime against the people. Only the Prosecutor can drop the charges. The alleged victim is merely a witness to crime.
What Do I Do About This Restraining Order?
Read the order carefully to see what conduct is prohibited. Do not contact/communicate with the Protected Person in any fashion, even if that person initiates contact/communication with you. Violation of the order could lead to arrest or criminal prosecution. Contact me online or call (707) 541-7100 immediately upon receiving notice of the order to ensure compliance and to take all steps to reduce or remove the order.